Iveco Group 2023 Second Quarter Results

The following is an extract from the “Iveco Group 2023 Second Quarter and First Half Results” press release. The complete press release can be accessed by visiting the media section of the Iveco Group corporate website: or consulting the accompanying PDF:

Iveco Group consolidated revenues of €4.2 billion (up 24% year-on-year).

Adjusted EBIT of €301 million (up €183 million) and adjusted net income of €156 million.

Net cash of Industrial Activities at €1.2 billion.

Full year 2023 Financial Guidance updated upwards again.

Consolidated revenues of €4,180 million, up 24.0%. Net revenues of Industrial Activities of €4,108 million, up 23.4%, mainly due to positive price realisation and higher volumes and mix.

Adjusted EBIT of €301 million (€183 million increase compared to Q2 2022), with a 7.2% margin (up 370 bps compared to Q2 2022). Adjusted EBIT of Industrial Activities of €266 million (€91 million in Q2 2022) and margin at 6.5% (up 380 bps compared to Q2 2022), with a steadily improving re-positioning of our vehicles supporting a strong price realization more than offsetting higher raw material and energy costs.

Adjusted net income of €156 million (€96 million increase compared to Q2 2022). Adjusted diluted earnings per share of €0.57 (up €0.37 compared to Q2 2022).

Financial expenses of €83 million (€28 million in Q2 2022), increasing mainly as a consequence of higher interest rates and the impact of hyperinflation accounting in Argentina and Türkiye.

Reported income tax expense of €61 million, with adjusted effective tax rate (adjusted ETR) of 28% reflecting different tax rates applied in the jurisdictions where the Group operates and some other discrete items.

Net cash of Industrial Activities at €1,166 million (€1,727 million at 31st December 2022). Free cash flow of Industrial Activities positive for €131 million, €242 million higher compared to Q2 2022 primarily due to higher sales, positive price realisation and lower level of unfinished products (due to increased components availability in the latter part of June), partially offset by the acquisition of the full ownership of the former Nikola Iveco Europe JV.

Available liquidity at €3,764 million as of 30th June 2023, down €216 million from 31st March 2023, including €2,006 million of undrawn committed facilities.


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Iveco Group 2023 Second Quarter Results


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