VCI Global Limited Announces Application for Dual Listing on Upstream

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, May 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VCI Global Limited (NASDAQ: VCIG) (“VCI Global”, or the “Company”) today announced that it has begun the application process to dual list its shares on Upstream, the revolutionary trading app for digital securities and NFTs powered by Horizon Fintex (“Horizon”) and MERJ Exchange Limited (“MERJ”).

The planned dual listing on Upstream is designed to provide VCI Global the opportunity to access a global, digital-first investor base that can trade using USDC digital currency along with credit, debit, PayPal, and USD, unlocking liquidity and enhancing price discovery while globalizing the opportunity to invest in NASDAQ-listed VCI Global.

Commenting on the application to list on Upstream Dato’ Victor Hoo, Chairman and Group Director of VCI Global, said, “Building shareholder value and increasing our liquidity is always a high priority for us as a Company. We believe a dual listing on Upstream will act as an excellent vehicle to reach an untapped international market of potential new shareholders.”

Approval to be listed on Upstream is subject to acceptance by MERJ. However, as an existing NASDAQ issuer, VCI Global may be eligible for an expedited listing process.

About VCI Global Limited

VCI Global is a multi-disciplinary consulting group with key advisory practices in the areas of business and technology. The Company provides business and boardroom strategy services, investor relation services, and technology consultancy services. Its clients range from small-medium enterprises and government-linked agencies to publicly traded companies across a broad array of industries. VCI Global operates solely in Malaysia, with clients predominantly from Malaysia, but also serves some clients from China, Singapore, and the US.

For more information on the Company, please log on to

About Upstream

Upstream, a MERJ Exchange Market (, is a fully regulated global stock exchange for digital securities and NFTs. Powered by Horizon's proprietary blockchain-powered matching engine technology, the platform enables users to trade NFTs, and invest in securities for IPOs, crowdfunded companies, U.S. & international equities, and celebrity ventures using the Upstream app. For more information, please visit Upstream is currently accepting applications to dual list at


This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities in any jurisdiction where such offer or solicitation is not permitted.

Upstream and issuers do not charge for share transfers, however, transfer agents may charge investors for share transfers. Such fees are standard in the industry and if a fee is required, the transfer agent will alert the investor of such charges and how to pay via credit card, check or wire.

NFTs have no royalties, equity ownership, or dividends. NFTs are for utility, collection, redemption or display purposes only. Anyone may buy and sell NFTs on Upstream.

* U.S. or Canadian-based citizen or permanent are not currently able to deposit, buy, or sell securities on Upstream. Note that U.S. or Canadian-based investors include those U.S. or Canadian citizens who may be domiciled overseas. All orders for sale are non-solicited by Upstream and a user’s decision to trade securities must be based on their own investment judgement.

Upstream is a MERJ Exchange market. MERJ Exchange is a licensed Securities Exchange, an affiliate of the World Federation of Exchanges, a National Numbering Agency and member of ANNA. MERJ supports global issuers of traditional and digital securities through the entire asset life cycle from issuance to trading, clearing, settlement, and registry. It operates a fair and transparent marketplace in line with international best practices and principles of operations of financial markets. Upstream does not endorse or recommend any public or private securities bought or sold on its app. Upstream does not offer investment advice or recommendations of any kind. All services offered by Upstream are intended for self-directed clients who make their own investment decisions without aid or assistance from Upstream. All customers are subject to the rules and regulations of their jurisdiction. By accessing the site or app, you agreed to be bound by its terms of use and privacy policy. Company and security listings on Upstream are only suitable for investors who are familiar with and willing to accept the high risk associated with speculative investments, often in early and development stage companies. There can be no assurance the valuation of any particular company's securities is accurate or in agreement with the market or industry comparative valuations. Investors must be able to afford market volatility and afford the loss of their investment. Companies listed on Upstream are subject to significant ongoing corporate obligations including, but not limited to disclosure, filings, and notification requirements, as well as compliance with applicable quantitative and qualitative listing standards.

Forward-Looking Statements

This communication contains 'forward-looking statements.' Such statements may be preceded by the words 'intends,' 'may,' 'will,' 'plans,' 'expects,' 'anticipates,' 'projects,' 'predicts,' 'estimates,' 'aims,' 'believes,' 'hopes,' 'potential,' or similar words. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, are based on certain assumptions, and are subject to various known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's control, and cannot be predicted or quantified, and, consequently, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, risks and uncertainties associated with (i) difficulties in obtaining financing on commercially reasonable terms; (ii) changes in the size and nature of our competition; (iii) loss of one or more key executives or brand ambassadors; and (iv) changes in legal or regulatory requirements in the markets in which we operate. The Company assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise its forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Issued by Imej Jiwa Communications Sdn Bhd on behalf of VCI Global Limited
For media queries, please contact:

Chris Chuah

VCI Global Limited Announces Application for Dual Listing on Upstream


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