LaPresse interviewed Professor Celotto on August 19th. On the Premiership issue he said : "Governments like Draghi's and Conte's would not be possible"

ROME, Aug. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In an interview with LaPresse on August 19th, Professor Celotto spoke about the pros and cons of the constitutional reform promoted by the Meloni government.

The so-called premiership is one of the key constitutional reforms the Meloni government is focused on. Speaking to LaPresse, Alfonso Celotto, a lawyer and professor of Constitutional Law at the Roma Tre University, discusses the pros and cons of a reform that would radically alter the relationship between national political power and voters.

'Certainly, on paper, as the premiership reform is written, it removes a power from the President of the Republic, specifically the power to choose the Prime Minister,' Celotto explains. 'In 2018, the elections were partially won by Di Maio and partially by the center-right, but Giuseppe Conte was chosen. This would no longer be possible. The first Prime Minister under the premiership system would be chosen by the voters; as for the second, because only two governments would be allowed per legislative term, it would have to be someone from within the majority and the Parliament. This would have excluded someone like Draghi, who was a technocrat, and Conte, who was not a member of Parliament.'

Finding a compromise between government stability and representation in the eyes of voters is not simple. 'Since 2018, we've seen all types of governments of all colors, almost every possible combination,' the professor continues. 'So, it would probably better reflect the will of the voters to have a government aligned with the majority's vote. Or is it more a question of balancing the parliamentary system, where we still seek a government, as was done in 1994 when Berlusconi’s government fell, and instead of holding elections, Dini was chosen? It's typical of the parliamentary system to try to form a new government. But moving towards a premiership would make the system more similar to that of a mayor or a regional president, where if the elected leader is removed, new elections are held.'

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LaPresse interviewed Professor Celotto on August 19th. On the Premiership issue he said : "Governments like Draghi's and Conte's would not be possible"


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