Cinema, Italian Golden Globe to documentary on Gianni Agnelli produced by Marco Durante

ROME, July 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 'Gianni Agnelli, in arte l'Avvocato' has been awarded the 2023 Globo d’Oro, i.e. Italian Golden Globe, as Best Documentary. 'This is the most important recognition we have received. We have been investing in television for four years: this is the first award for an important documentary. Important because I have a personal connection to it. I lived with the Avvocato, I knew him very well and I called him Giovanni unlike the others who called him Gianni or l’Avvocato,' said the founder and President of LaPresse, Marco Durante, who produced the documentary. The film portrait of the Avvocato won the statuette on the evening that the Italian Foreign Press Association devotes every year to Italian cinema. Receiving the prize at Villa Massimo was the film director Emanuele Imbucci, sharing the stage with giants from the world of Italian and international cinema such as John Malkovich and Marco Bellocchio. 'I am happy because this award is not for me but for LaPresse. There is not a day, month or year that we do not take a step forward. And this is not thanks to me but rather to the machine we have created,' Durante continued. 'Who do I dedicate this award to? To Avvocato Agnelli. Without him I would not be who I am. If I had not met Donna Marella, I would not have learnt manners. If I had not met the Avvocato, I would not be the person I am now.'

For more information:
Press Office LaPresse -

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Cinema, Italian Golden Globe to documentary on Gianni Agnelli produced by Marco Durante


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