Braving the extreme: Deriv-sponsored Patagonian expedition Kahuna and its impact on climate science

  • Deriv’s CSR sponsorship programme supports the Kahuna team in collecting essential environmental data and improving global understanding of climate change.
  • In partnership with OSER and Cheer Up, the environmental expedition aims to uplift and educate young patients and students.

CYBERJAYA, Malaysia, May 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As Deriv gears up to celebrate 25 years of innovation and responsibility, it proudly marks this milestone through a series of new initiatives that will have an impact in 2024 and beyond. The Kahuna sponsorship supports scientific research and community projects that provide educational value and inspire positive action towards protecting the environment.

Deriv recently sponsored the Kahuna team to carry out an environmental research expedition in Patagonia. The environmental expedition aimed to investigate the presence of microplastics and black carbon in the snow. These substances are critical indicators of environmental pollution that affect climate change.

The team partnered with the Argentinian Institute of Nivology, Glaciology, and Environmental Sciences and sought community outreach through collaborations with charitable organisations OSER and CheerUp (affiliated with CentraleSupelec).

Seema Hallon, Chief Human Resources Officer of Deriv, shares, “The 25th anniversary is an opportunity for Deriv to recommit to the things that matter to us as an organisation. Investing our CSR efforts in meaningful projects such as the Kahuna expedition is our way of contributing to the efforts for a sustainable future for the planet and communities.”

The expedition began in mid-January in Puerto Murta, Chile, with a team consisting of Baptistin Coutance, Robin Villard, Thomas Jarrey, Vincent Lavrov, and Yvan Lazard.

The route took them across Lago General Carrera, through Rio Baker into the Pacific fjords, along the Campo De Hielo Continental, ascending Volcan Lautaro and Cerro Francisco Moreno, where bad weather conditions led to an early ending of the journey.

Robin Villard shares, “The expedition was a success. The samples collected are in good condition and are scheduled for analysis in May and July. By the end of the summer, we should have results on the presence of microplastics in the ice field below. That’s a huge success.

'Our scientific research aimed to collect snow samples for analysis to determine the level of microplastics. Simply put, the samples will be examined under a microscope in the lab to see if there is significant pollution from microplastics in the snow.”

Expedition outcomes:

  • Research impact: The Kahuna team successfully collected and analysed samples from the region, providing valuable data for ongoing climate studies.
  • Community impact: Through real-time updates and subsequent presentations, the environmental expedition will provide educational and motivational experiences to young cancer patients and underprivileged students once their documentary film is ready.

The expedition faced challenges — adverse weather conditions and dangerous terrain, but could complete their research objectives effectively.

Read more about the Kahuna expedition.

About Deriv

For 25 years, Deriv has been committed to making online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. Trusted by over 2.5 million traders worldwide, the company offers an expansive range of trade types and boasts over 200 assets across popular markets on its award-winning, intuitive trading platforms. With a workforce of more than 1,400 people globally, Deriv has cultivated an environment that celebrates achievements, encourages professional growth, and fosters talent development, which is reflected in its Platinum accreditation by Investors in People.


Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

Braving the extreme: Deriv-sponsored Patagonian expedition Kahuna and its impact on climate science


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