Deriv, an award-winning online broker’s eco pledge: Planting 2,000 saplings for a greener Cyprus

LIMASSOL, Cyprus, Dec. 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On 19 November, Deriv took the lead in donating and contributing to the planting of over 2,000 saplings at Palodia region, Limassol, through the 'You Reforest Cyprus' initiative, powered by Green Shield. Participating in this initiative represents a pivotal moment in Deriv’s CSR efforts.

Derivians and their family members come together to participate in the planting of trees.

Deriv, a leading online trading company with a global presence spanning 20 offices, announces its intensified commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from its Cyprus office. This commitment is a testament to the company’s dedication to making a tangible impact on society and the environment.

Geo Nicolaidis, Director at Deriv Cyprus, stated, “Tree planting transcends mere conservation; it is a significant investment in the future of our planet and a reflection of our dedication to sustainable growth for the world we all share. I am deeply inspired by the passion of my team and community, who have volunteered their time and efforts. In laying down these roots, we are restoring our forests and sowing hope for generations to come.”

Geo Nicolaidis receiving a plaque in recognition of Deriv’s eco pledge.

Deriv’s CSR efforts are a continuous commitment. Following the initial success of planting 2,000 saplings, the company aims to plant an additional 3,000, reaffirming its environmental stewardship. Talent Acquisition Executive Anna Themistokleous remarked, “Each sapling we plant is a step towards a greener future, reflecting our commitment to environmental care and community well-being.”

The company is also personalising its environmental efforts by adopting a tree to celebrate its employees' special life events, such as birthdays or anniversaries. Jean-Yves Sireau, CEO of Deriv, comments, “Our environmental efforts are intertwined with our team’s milestones. By combining ecological responsibility with employee recognition, we’re nurturing a culture of sustainability that extends beyond our company.”

Over the past year, Deriv’s CSR programme, ‘Deriv Life’, has been responsible for several significant initiatives, including sponsoring a prosthetic limb for Malaysia’s youngest elephant amputee. These actions reinforce Deriv’s dedication to CSR as a core aspect of its identity and mission.

To learn more, visit Deriv Life and the company website.

About Deriv

For over two decades, Deriv has been committed to making online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. Trusted by over 2.5 million traders worldwide, the company offers an expansive range of trade types and boasts over 200 assets across popular markets on its award-winning, intuitive trading platforms. With a workforce of more than 1,300 people globally, Deriv has cultivated an environment that celebrates achievements, encourages professional growth, and fosters talent development.

Aleksandra Zuzic

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:

Deriv, an award-winning online broker’s eco pledge: Planting 2,000 saplings for a greener Cyprus


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