Azerion announces new roles on its Supervisory Board

Amsterdam, 20 November 2023 – Following its Extraordinary General Meeting held on 16 November 2023, Azerion is pleased to report that its Supervisory Board has appointed Wim de Pundert to the role of Chair, Florence von Erb to the role of Chair of the Selection, Appointment and Remuneration Committee and Zafer Karataş as a member of the Selection, Appointment and Remuneration Committee.

As part of the arrangements relating to these new appointments, Klaas Meertens has announced that he will step down from the Supervisory Board on 31 January 2024, after completing a two year term from his original appointment.

In line with its ongoing development, Azerion intends to continue introducing additional experience to its Supervisory Board with further updates expected in the coming months. The roles on the Supervisory Board will be reviewed in light of any such additional appointments.    

About Azerion
Founded in 2014, Azerion (EURONEXT: AZRN) is one of Europe’s largest digital advertising and entertainment media platforms. Azerion brings global scaled audiences to advertisers in an easy and cost-effective way, delivered through our proprietary technology, in a safe, engaging, and high quality environment, utilizing our strategic portfolio of owned and operated content with entertainment and other digital publishing partners.

Having its roots in Europe and with its headquarters in Amsterdam, Azerion has commercial teams based in over 26 cities around the world to closely support our clients and partners to find and execute creative ways to make a real impact through advertising.

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Azerion announces new roles on its Supervisory Board


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