Värde Raises Nearly $1.5 Billion for Asset-Based Lending Opportunities

MINNEAPOLIS and NEW YORK, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Värde Partners, a leading global alternative investment firm, announced it has raised nearly $1.5 billion for asset-based lending opportunities through The Värde Asset Lending Fund II and related accounts and co-investments. The firm received support from a global base of institutional investors.

Through its established lending platforms and relationships, Värde originates loans and provides financing solutions for consumers, businesses, and lenders. The firm invests in lending strategies across a range of industries, including specialty finance (auto, equipment, and personal loans), commercial real estate (CRE), and technology.

“We are grateful for the strong support from new and longtime investors. Unfolding in front of us is one of the most compelling credit investment environments since the Global Financial Crisis, and we look forward to building on our track record of delivering attractive risk-adjusted returns for our investors. The surge in demand for non-bank financing – an acceleration of a more than decade-long trend – underscores the need for private credit and magnifies already significant lending opportunities,” said Brad Bauer, Partner & Co-Chief Investment Officer.

Värde’s approach to sourcing and structuring investments with strong downside protection is honed by 30 years of experience originating credit backed by a range of assets.

“The growing demand for asset-based lending solutions and strategies aligns with our strengths and the global platform we have built over many years – a platform that provides insight into the credit and financing needs of millions of consumers and tens of thousands of businesses. Värde brings an experienced and well-connected team to the table as we structure customized solutions for strong borrowers in underserved parts of the market,” said Aneek Mamik, Partner & Global Head of Financial Services & Diversified Private Credit.

“There is a tremendous opportunity for CRE lending as the market addresses a significant amount of maturities against a backdrop of higher interest rates and reduced bank balance sheets. We believe this attractive supply/demand dynamic for lenders combined with our platform, which has originated $6.5 billion of CRE loans since 2017 and integrates our longstanding partnership with a leading loan service provider, positions us exceptionally well in this market,” said Jim Dunbar, Partner & Head of Real Estate Lending.

Värde’s latest Värde Views, Private Credit Opportunities in the Wake of Tighter U.S. Banking Regulations, discusses these opportunities in more detail.

About Värde Partners

Värde Partners is a leading global alternative investment firm specializing in credit and credit-related assets. Founded in 1993, the firm has invested more than $95 billion across the credit quality and liquidity spectrum in both public and private markets. Värde currently manages $13 billion in assets with teams in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific focused on Corporate & Traded Credit, Real Estate, and Financial Services & Diversified Private Credit. For more information, please visit www.varde.com.

Media contact

Värde Partners Communications and Public Affairs


Värde Raises Nearly $1.5 Billion for Asset-Based Lending Opportunities


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