Results of the Offering of Unsecured Subordinated Bonds of

The public offering of Bigbank AS (hereinafter Bigbank) unsecured subordinated bonds (hereinafter the Offering) ended on Friday, 10 February. It was the second series under Bigbank’s unsecured subordinated bond programme, which was conducted based on the base prospectus of subordinated bonds program registered by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority on 5 September 2022.

In the course of the Offering, up to 5,000 unsecured subordinated bonds with the name of EUR 8.00 Bigbank subordinated bond 23-2032, with the nominal value EUR 1,000 each, the maturity date 16 February 2033 and fixed interest rate of 8% per annum, payable quarterly, were offered by Bigbank. In case of oversubscription, Bigbank had the right to increase the volume of the Offering by up to 10,000 bonds. The Offering was carried out only in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

1887 investors participated in the subscription and submitted subscription orders for the subordinated bonds in the total amount of 26.9 million euros. Therefore, the base issue volume of 5 million euros was oversubscribed by more than five times. Bigbank exercised its right to increase the volume of the Offering by up to 10,000 bonds, which increased the total amount of the Offering to 15 million euros.

The Management Board of Bigbank decided to allocate the bonds according to the following principles:

All subscription orders from the same subscriber were summed up;Subscriptions up to the amount of 10,000 euros were accepted in full;Employees of companies belonging to Bigbank group were allocated 100% of the amount subscribed;Investors were allocated 32.7% of the amount subscribed exceeding 10,000 euros;The number of bonds with decimal places was rounded to the closest whole number.

Martin Länts, Chairman of the Board of Bigbank, thanked all investors who participated in the public issue for their trust in the bank's strategy and growth prospects. 'We are glad that in addition to offering loans and deposits to private individuals and companies, we were now able to contribute to the development of the local capital market and to the creation of additional public money placement opportunities for investors,' he noted. ' The 35 million euros of additional capital raised within the issuance program will help to realise our plans for further growth in both home loans and corporate financing, as well as meet the additional capital requirements raised to cope with the challenging economic environment. We are offering tough competition to the big universal banks in the Baltics in the field of home and business loans, and additional capital is necessary to continue this,' commented Martin Länts.

The Bonds are expected to be transferred to the securities accounts of investors on or about 16 February 2023 and the first trading day of the bonds on the Baltic Bonds List of Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange is expected to be on or about 17 February 2023.

Argo Kiltsmann
Member of the Management Board
Tel: +372 53 930 833

Important information

This notice is an advertisement for securities within the meaning of the Regulation No 2017/1129/EU of 14 June 2017 of the European Parliament and of the Council European Parliament and does not constitute an offer to sell or invitation to subscribe to subordinated bonds of Bigbank.

The information contained in this notice is not intended to be published, distributed or transmitted, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, in the United States, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, or in any other country or under any circumstance where publication, sharing or transmission would be unlawful. Subordinated bonds of Bigbank will be publicly offered only in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and the sale or offer of the bonds shall not take place in any jurisdiction where such offer, invitation or sale would be unlawful without the exception or qualification of law.

Results of the Offering of Unsecured Subordinated Bonds of


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