Ascom preliminary results 2024

Ad hoc announcement under Art. 53 LR
Baar (Switzerland), 21 January 2025

Based on preliminary unaudited figures, Ascom reports for fiscal year 2024 a revenue of CHF 286.7 million, which is a decline of 1.6% at constant currencies, and an EBITDA margin of around 7.5%.

In a continuing challenging market environment, Ascom generated net revenue of CHF 286.7 million for fiscal year 2024 (2023: CHF 297.3 million), which reflects a decline of 1.6% at constant currencies and of 3.6% at actual currencies compared to the previous year, based on preliminary unaudited figures. 
Revenue development showed a mixed picture. The best performance was achieved in the key markets Nordics, DACH, the Netherlands, and Italy, while UK and the OEM business underperformed due to lower market traction than expected and project delays in the last quarter of 2024. The especially disappointing results in USA & Canada and France & Spain have also triggered a management change and both regions have new Managing Directors as of January 2025.
Incoming orders came to CHF 307.4 million (2023: CHF 318.6 million), representing a decline of 1.5% at constant currencies and of 3.5% at actual currencies. The order backlog stood at CHF 301.5 million as of year-end 2024 (31.12.2023: CHF 276.4 million).
Due to the lower revenue and higher investments in Research & Development (R&D) as well as in Marketing & Sales, Ascom achieved for fiscal year 2024 a lower EBITDA margin of around 7.5% (2023: EBITDA margin of 10.1%). Considering the lower EBITDA and higher costs for depreciation and amortization due to investments in R&D and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), the 2024 Group profit will be substantially lower than in the previous year and is expected to be in the range of CHF 3 to 4 million, also impacted by a non-cash one-off adjustment of about CHF 2 million.
Ascom continues to have a solid balance sheet with a net cash position of CHF 18.6 million as of year-end 2024 (31.12.2023: CHF 24.7 million) and an equity ratio of around 39%.
Annual Media Conference 2025
The full details of the financial statements and the 2024 Annual Report, including dividend proposal and 2025 guidance, will be published on 12 March 2025.


Daniel Lack
Senior VP Legal & Communications / IR

+41 41 544 78 10


  • Ascom_MediaRelease_250121_EN

Ascom preliminary results 2024


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