AMFRESH and EQT expect to close the acquisition of IFG by SNFL in the coming weeks, after the approval of the transaction by the European Commission

MADRID, Spain, July 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Following the agreement between International Fruit Genetics LLC (IFG) and Special New Fruit Licensing Limited (SNFL), the consortium led by AMFRESH Group, as well as the Swedish fund EQT and the American fund Paine Schwartz Partners (PSP), for the purchase of the entire IFG business by SNFL, Jack Pandol initiated legal action to block the transaction.

On July, 11th the arbitrator assigned to decide on the matter rejected all the claims made by Jack Pandol, allowing the transaction to proceed.

SNFL expects to close the transaction in the coming weeks.

As Alvaro Muñoz, AMFRESH CEO, points out, “our entire team and partners are proud to be able to move forward with the green light of the arbitration. This is the beginning of a breakthrough for the FRESH food sector and our greatest ambition is to foster the most innovative, natural, sustainable and healthy products to delight consumers globally. Our aim is to increase consumption and market size of fresh, healthy and affordable products globally”.

Additionally, Bluestone Food and Tech, Alvaro Muñoz's family holding, closes an agreement to become the sole 100% equity partner of AMFRESH Group and acquire 100% of AMC Group. The deal has the full support of all the executive and non-executive board members of Bluestone and AMFRESH. It has also been supported by all the banking partners of the Business Group, as well as the partners in various investments that AMFRESH holds in Genetics and Technology (EQT and PSP). This will give AMFRESH total freedom to invest in the different agribusiness and agri-technology breakthroughs the group fully endorse.

AMFRESH, a group that in recent years has been in full expansion and involved in M&A activity, will follow its Strategic Plan with the objective of doubling its sales (currently €1.5 Billion in 2023) to reach €3 Billion in 2028 and tripling its EBITDA in the same timeframe.

Pablo Sánchez-Lozano, COO of AMFRESH Group, says 'At AMFRESH we have been working on the integration of our supply chain with the aim of always adding value to our retail partners. Our focus is on offering innovative solutions that allow differentiation and are always based on technology. We have tools that cover the full cycle including genetics, agriculture, technology and sustainable practices; our degree of flexibility is unparalleled, and our customized models adapt to all clients, geographies and categories”.

AMFRESH is a leader in varietal genetic development for fresh food, with a solid global expansion based on a high value-added agriculture that is nature positive and sustainable and full integration of the food supply chain all the way to its retail partners. AMFRESH operates seamlessly by maintaining long-term agreements with its global retail partners and using an open-book policy.

The pillars of AMFRESH's strategic growth are focused on 6 main areas distributed throughout the value chain:

  • Become the preferred integrated partner of the top main retailers in the world by increasing its presence through new categories and offering greater geographical coverage.
  • Grow through vertical integration thanks to the differential aspects of its value chain.
  • Promote the creation of value through innovation.
  • Consolidate its operational excellence.
  • Evolve its teams and organizations for the future, with a special focus on attracting talent for key positions.
  • Promote sustainability and risk management as main differentiators: climate change (carbon emissions, water consumption, etc.), as well as occupational, social, regulatory, political, reputational and industrial risks.

Enrique López, CFO of AMFRESH Group, highlights “The Bluestone equity transaction allows us to focus AMFRESH's objectives in the best possible way, because the determined support of the Bluestone family holding will give us the opportunity to promote the investment projects that we already had in our portfolio, thus consolidating our model of sustained growth and providing it with greater agility. The Group’s performance gives us full confidence that we will achieve our objectives until 2028. We also have the support of our agricultural partners, retailer partners and the financial community at a global level.”

Media Contact

Patricia Sagarminaga

+ 34 669161941

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

AMFRESH and EQT expect to close the acquisition of IFG by SNFL in the coming weeks, after the approval of the transaction by the European Commission


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