Energy: My Edison App voted Product of the Year, special mention for CoCo

MILAN, Italy, April 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The My Edison App by Edison Energia, an Edison Group company active in the sale of electricity and gas and services to families and businesses, was voted Product of the Year in the 'Energy Services' category at the 2023 edition of the ‘Voted Product of the Year’ (Eletto Prodotto dell'Anno) award. The My Edison App uses artificial intelligence to provide the Edison CoCo (acronym for 'Consume Less, Consume Better') service, which monitors and allows users to optimise their home's energy consumption. A product developed under the banner of sustainability and savings, CoCo offers customers the means to become aware of their consumption and take action on it themselves. The CoCo platform was commended with a special mention for Sustainability, attesting to the value and importance of the journey, alongside the customer, towards increasingly conscious consumption. To carry out the market survey, Circana interviewed 12,020 people in 55 different categories between January and February 2023. Each consumer expressed their opinion about the services presented in relation to two aspects: Innovation and Satisfaction. 87% of respondents who tried App My Edison found it very satisfying; 32% of consumers, when asked which innovation attracted them most in the category, chose App My Edison. According to the market survey – which also assessed the degree of awareness, the potential of the individual services presented and the most important requirements of an innovation – the reasons why this innovative Edison product appeals to consumers are awareness of and trust in the brand: it is considered a good service for monitoring consumption and relative spending, and it is a reliable, convenient, innovative and complete product. It is worth noting that consumer respondents identify saving on energy costs and appropriate conditions or an acceptable fee as the most important requirements for innovation in the 'Energy Services' category. Finally, 90% of consumer respondents consider sustainability to be an issue closely linked to innovation.
'We are proud to announce that the My Edison App has won the 'Elected Product of the Year' award,' said Massimo Quaglini, CEO of Edison Energia, 'and the Edison CoCo service has been commended with a special mention for Sustainability. It is important that Edison Energia's commitment, which for years has been working alongside customers towards a more sustainable and conscious consumption, is also recognised outside the company.'

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Energy: My Edison App voted Product of the Year, special mention for CoCo


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