Tines introduces the ability to build apps with its no-code automation platform

With the recent roll-out of features, Tines cements its position as the most innovative automation platform in the security space

  • Tines is revolutionizing information exchange to facilitate a culture of cybersecurity across organizations.
  • New features enable security teams to collaborate and exchange information with those outside the no-code platform and use it to drive automation.
  • Customers, including Coinbase, Kayak, Databricks, Sophos, and Canva, are using Tines to take the guesswork out of security operations by bringing humans into the loop when and where it matters.

DUBLIN, Ireland, Jan. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tines, the no-code automation platform for security teams, today introduced the ability to build web-based apps with its technology.

As organizations strive to strengthen their digital defenses, they are looking for ways to achieve more with less by automating repetitive manual processes. Maintaining a high level of accuracy through clear communication channels is imperative. Tines has stepped up to this challenge with a series of innovative feature releases - that include its new pages function, alongside the Storyboard, forms, formulas, and email or chatbot push notifications - designed to further bridge the gap between humans and automation.

Most SOAR tools and security playbooks focus on the ‘backend’ of the experience. Interacting with end-users is binary or limited to email communication or chatbots at the beginning of a process.

Now, Tines customers have access to an enhanced toolkit to power their automated workflows with real-time information and adapt to fast-changing environments. With Tines, security teams quickly gather and leverage real-time information from outside sources across an entire automated process - removing any uncertainty and making operations run smoothly.

“Your security game plan is only as good as the information you have to work with. That's why Tines empowers security teams by allowing them to tap into data and share updates with stakeholders outside the platform directly within their automated processes – with no extra effort or friction! All end-users, within or outside the security org, can easily contribute valuable information that helps secure and protect against threats… allowing for a true culture of cybersecurity throughout the entire company.' - Eoin Hinchy, Co-founder & CEO, Tines

Equipping business leaders to foster a secure culture aligns with Tines’ mission to make the lives of overextended security practitioners easier. The platform removes barriers to implementing automation, including the need for coding skills and the ability to bring humans into the loop when and where it matters.

The challenge of exchanging real-time information at scale

With endless requests pouring in on top of everyday tasks, security teams are struggling to keep up with their workloads - making serious progress nearly impossible! Automation is transforming the way organizations protect themselves from modern threats. However, it can cause a divide between those who manage it and those who contribute or are impacted by the outcome. This is particularly true if automation requires scripting and manual data collection. Fortunately, Tines makes it possible to:

  • Allow end-contributors to kick off a workflow by submitting an input form.
  • Collect and leverage additional information at any point during an automated workflow.
  • Share dynamic information outside of the platform.

By using the Tines’ intuitive drag-and-drop interface, organizations can rapidly deploy robust automated workflows designed to respond quickly and effectively to security alerts, incidents, and breaches.

To learn more about Tines, visit tines.com/build. Sign up for the free full-featured Tines Community Edition or book a demo.

About Tines
Tines is no-code automation for security teams. It’s the only platform that bypasses the need for programming skills, delivering powerful automation straight into the hands of front-line analysts and operators. Tines brings an impact-first approach to all teams, securely automating thousands of mission-critical workflows per day across a diverse range of customers, including Coinbase, Kayak, Databricks, McKesson, and Canva. The company was co-founded in 2018 in Dublin, Ireland, by former security practitioners Eoin Hinchy ( CEO) and Thomas Kinsella (CCO), and has raised $96.2M in funding to date from investors, including Felicis, Addition, Accel, Blossom Capital, and Lux Capital.

Media Contact
Aoife Anderson
Communications Manager

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/66be994e-1085-4a56-be7c-a2676e3bab8b

Tines introduces the ability to build apps with its no-code automation platform


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