Teledyne Geospatial revolutionizes airborne lidar ROI with Galaxy Onboard: a real-time workflow solution

VAUGHAN, Ontario, Feb. 09, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teledyne Geospatial announced the release of the Galaxy Onboard, a workflow-focused solution that enables airborne surveyors to deliver quality-controlled processed data in real time. With Galaxy Onboard, Teledyne Geospatial has lowered the barrier of entry for organizations venturing into airborne mapping with a solution that does not require expertise or months of training.

Galaxy Onboard will also offer exceptional value to airborne surveyors allowing them to explore additional applications. Through real-time quality control during acquisition, Galaxy Onboard enables faster than ever turnaround time for governmental wide area programs and engineering-grade corridor applications. In addition, life-threatening applications such as hurricanes, storms, power outages and floods will now have the benefit of Galaxy Onboard’s ability to process 3D data in real-time, making it available for recovery, rescue, and restoration deployment while the plane is still in the air.

Comprised of a rugged onboard computer, with a state-of-the-art real-time processing engine and quality control system, Galaxy Onboard extends the lidar sensor into a full solution that accelerates workflow from airplane to office and instills organizational confidence in data integrity.

'Galaxy Onboard was engineered to delight our customers by accelerating on-time final deliverables, reducing processing time, and automating manual and error-prone work. Onboard will generate confidence by revealing obscure information in real-time.  Onboard’s intuitive design effectively showcases our user obsession and provides immediate efficiencies without compromising on productivity,” said Malek Singer, Teledyne Geospatial’s Product Manager, Airborne.

Teledyne Geospatial unifies the hardware and software expertise of both Teledyne CARIS and Teledyne Optech. The new group provides customers with innovative integrated solutions. Offerings include turnkey systems, lidar and sonar integrated workflows and a range of systems and solutions that support holistic, precision data collection.

For media enquiries, please contact:
Jennifer Parham

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Teledyne Geospatial revolutionizes airborne lidar ROI with Galaxy Onboard: a real-time workflow solution


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