Ajinomoto đầu tư 25 tỷ Yên vào sản xuất vật liệu bán dẫn đến năm 2030
EF Hutton Appoints Sean Corcoran, Managing Director, Equity
New York, NY, Feb. 22, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NewMediaWire -- EF Hutton, division of Benchmark Investments, LLC (“EF Hutton”) announced today that Sean Corcoran has been appointed as Managing Director, Equity Capital Markets. Mr. Corcoran will be based in EF Hutton’s Los Angeles office, where he will serve a wide variety of clients and lead an extensive series of transactions.
Prior to joining EF Hutton, Mr. Corcoran served as Managing Director at D.A. Davidson, where he helped build the firm’s equity sales capabilities. Prior to that, Mr. Corcoran worked at Roth Capital Partners for 15 years, where he was instrumental in the execution of capital formation for hundreds of small cap companies across a wide variety of sectors.
“We are excited that Sean Corcoran will join the EF Hutton team in Los Angeles. Building the Equity Capital Markets division of EF Hutton requires us to hire top-tier finance experts who will bring their vast knowledge and network to our firm. We are confident Sean will hit the ground running and help us further build out our presence on the West Coast,” said Joseph T. Rallo, Chief Executive Officer of EF Hutton.
EF Hutton President, David W. Boral, stated, “In order to continue competing in these challenging market conditions, we are seeking the best individuals possible to lead our Equity Capital Markets team. We welcome Sean Corcoran, a highly respected finance specialist, to EF Hutton.”
Mr. Corcoran added, “EF Hutton continues to punch above its weight in Capital Markets, Institutional Sales, and transactions. I look forward to being a part of a growth orientated team that knows how to get deals done, while supplying excellent advice, knowledge, and results to our clients.”
About EF Hutton
EF Hutton, division of Benchmark Investments, LLC is a global, full-service investment bank headquartered in New York, New York. EF Hutton is a division of Benchmark Investments, LLC, a subsidiary of Kingswood US, LLC, an indirect subsidiary of Kingswood Holdings Limited (AIM: KWG). The synergies and direct access to Kingswood Holdings Limited provide EF Hutton with a unique global presence and broad platform outreach to ensure success for its clients.
The Inaugural EF Hutton Global Conference will take place on May 10th and 11th at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. Interested investors can register here: Register (meetmax.com)
About Kingswood Holdings Limited
Kingswood Holdings Limited is an AIM-listed (AIM:KWG) international, fully integrated wealth management firm with approximately 18,000 active clients and approximately $8.7 billion of assets under advice and management. Securities are offered through Benchmark Investments, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC.
Joseph T. Rallo
Chief Executive Officer
590 Madison Avenue, 39th Floor
New York, NY 10022

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