Meltwater Winter Product Release delivers greater impact with faster time to value, better analytics and continuous rollout of generative AI capabilities

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Meltwater, a leading global provider of social, media and consumer intelligence, today announces its Winter Release with new product enhancements that will help Meltwater customers be more efficient and effective through greater PR impact, better analytics and faster time to value.

The use of AI-powered solutions continues to have significant benefits for PR & Marketing teams looking to make an impact with content and campaigns that drive results. Meltwater’s soon-to-be-released State of Social Survey 2024 found that 58% of marketers are planning to increase their use of AI tools in 2024. The biggest gains reported as a result of using AI are saving time writing and editing, and improving content creation. At the same time, marketers are facing limited time, bandwidth and resources, making the opportunities for AI-powered solutions all the more relevant.

Meltwater has been listening to customers and discovering new ways to make their solutions more powerful and more intuitive, investing in product development based on these needs. The company doubled down on investment in its AI engine with a wide range of benefits that will save users time and effort across its suite of solutions including media intelligence, media relations, social listening & analytics, consumer intelligence, social media management, influencer marketing and more. With these updates, Meltwater continues to solidify its position as an enterprise-grade suite of solutions and an AI leader poised to define the future of media, social and consumer intelligence.

The Winter Release is full of new enhancements that provide more value than ever before for Meltwater customers, enabling:

  • Greater PR Impact: PR pros can surface strategic insights, deliver engaging briefs to key stakeholders, land more media coverage and report on results and ROI with Meltwater’s relaunched Media Relations solution.
  • Better Analytics: Users now have more innovative tools to turn data into insight, measure social media ROI and streamline end-of-year reporting, with enhanced dashboards and measurement tools.
  • Faster Time to Value: Customers can unlock the full benefits of Meltwater faster than ever, with new and improved features to streamline and strengthen workflows including new integrations, AI powered summarizations and more.

The Winter Release introduces new innovations that will make Meltwater users’ lives easier, across teams and departments:

  • New PR Insight Reports help teams easily illustrate the tangible value of their work with automated reports with insights on key coverage, shifts and brand perception.
  • Redesigned Dashboards allow users to easily create robust reports and dashboards that can tell the full story of activity and results across campaigns, including a 360° view of performance across teams and regions for Meltwater’s enterprise customers.
  • Discovery Explainer analyzes trends and shifts that users need to know about and leverages the power of generative AI to generate a human-like text explanation to provide context in seconds.
  • Salesforce integration provides measurable community management across social channels from Salesforce, bringing CRM context to customers’ social care efforts through the syncing of contacts, cases and leads between Meltwater Engage and Salesforce.
  • Enterprise APIs deliver richer analytics and context through improved data capabilities. Customers can go beyond exporting data, to future proof their performance metrics with data and insights that integrate into live dashboards, data science and AI projects, business intelligence and internal apps.

CTO Aditya Jami reinforces Meltwater’s ongoing commitment to continuous innovation and customer-centricity: “At Meltwater our mission is to help our customers by providing the tools, data and insights they need to drive business decisions and deliver on their PR, Comms and Marketing goals. With each product enhancement we deliver, we look to make our customers’ lives easier – with better, more robust analytics and faster time to value, all in an intuitive, unified suite of solutions. We know that teams are looking to AI for efficiencies, and we’re committed to leveraging innovations in our technology to ensure they gain the time and resource savings they need to drive results.”

The Winter Release product updates are now live – learn more at

For more information, please contact:
Kelly Costello
Corporate Communications Director

About Meltwater
Meltwater empowers companies with a suite of solutions that spans media, social, consumer and sales intelligence. By analyzing ~1 billion pieces of content each day and transforming them into vital insights, Meltwater unlocks the competitive edge to drive results. With 27,000 global customers, 50 offices across six continents and 2,300 employees, Meltwater is the industry partner of choice for global brands making an impact. Learn more at

Meltwater Winter Product Release delivers greater impact with faster time to value, better analytics and continuous rollout of generative AI capabilities


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