Testμ Conference 2023: LambdaTest's flagship conference leads a record-breaking journey in the world of software testing

San Francisco, Sept. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LambdaTest, a leading cloud-based unified testing platform concluded the second edition of the Testμ ('TestMu') Conference, a 3-day online testing conference, culminating in the recognition and celebration of exceptional testers and developers at the Delta Awards in Testing ceremony.

The conference attracted over 20,000 testers, developers, tech evangelists, and community leaders from the software testing community with a peak attendance of 6200+ audience. A diverse and international audience attended from 105+ countries for an average of 6 hours. 
The event featured 63 speakers, including industry veterans and community leaders from 14 countries. These speakers shared insights into various aspects of software testing, offering diverse perspectives on the field. Notable speakers at Testμ 2023 included Anne-Marie Charrett (Principal Consultant & Founder, Testing Times), Mahesh Venkataraman (Managing Director, Cloud First, Accenture), Pradeep Soundararajan (Founder & CEO, Moolya & Bugasura), Shivani Gaba (Engineering Manager, Beyonnex), Andrew Knight (Automation Panda), Christian Bromann (Founding Engineer, Stateful Inc.), Maaret Pyhäjärvi (Development Manager, Vaisala), Marit van Dijk (Developer Advocate, JetBrains), and Marie Cruz (Developer Advocate, k6 by Grafana Labs), among others. The eminent speakers led 35+ sessions, AMAs, and panel discussions covering diverse testing topics from scaling career in QA, quality leadership, and testing micro frontends, to API testing, mobile automation, observability, and advancements in testing frameworks.

This year's conference also shed light on the path to decoding the future of testing in the age of AI/ML and beyond.

Manoj Kumar, VP of Developer Relations and OSPO at LambdaTest said, 'As a community, we have always strived to push the boundaries of what is possible in testing. Attendees were inspired to embrace new challenges and elevate their testing practices after hearing from industry leaders, experts, and enthusiasts.' he also added, 'Testμ 2023 was an extraordinary journey delving into the ever-changing landscape of software testing. It was a successful event filled with meaningful discussions, workshops, and presentations, which encouraged participants to obtain new strategies and approaches in their organizations.'

The LambdaTest Delta Awards in Testing ceremony was also held as part of the TestMu Conference 2023. Launched with the purpose of celebrating and rewarding those who are passionate about quality and play a critical role in the software testing & QA community, the award ceremony recognized the winners across various categories.

The winners of the Delta Awards in Testing are as follows: 

  • Rising Tester of the Year: Kelly Kenyon, Software Tester at Glean 
  • Best Test Leaders of the Year:  Pricilla Bilavendran, Team Leader at Billennium, and Todd Lemmonds, VP of Quality Assurance at Lereta
  • Best Test Teams of the Year: Wesfarmers’s OneDigital and Culture Amp
  • Best Contributor in Open-Source Testing: Sri Harsha and Abhinaba Ghosh 
  • Best Open-Source Projects in Testing: Hoppscotch and Appium Test Distribution 
  • Best Test Tutor of the Year: Raghav Pal, Creator at AutomationStepByStep.com 
  • Excellence in Testing: James Bach, Founder of the Rapid Software Testing Methodology 

In the closing note ceremony, LambdaTest announced the next edition of the Testμ Conference. The Testμ Conference 2024 conference is scheduled to take place from August 20 to 22, 2024, offering an opportunity for software testing & QA experts, professionals, and enthusiasts to come together once again and explore the evolving landscape of testing.

To learn more about Testμ (TestMu) Conference 2024 and to submit talk proposals, visit: https://www.lambdatest.com/testmuconf-2024

About LambdaTest

LambdaTest is an intelligent and omnichannel enterprise execution environment that helps businesses drastically reduce time to market through Just in Time Test Orchestration (JITTO),  ensuring quality releases and accelerated digital transformation. Over 10,000+ enterprise customers and 2+ million users across 130+ countries rely on LambdaTest for their testing needs.

● Browser & App Testing Cloud allows users to run both manual and automated tests of web and mobile apps across 3000+ different browsers, real devices, and operating system environments.
● HyperExecute helps customers run and orchestrate test grids in the cloud for any framework and programming language at blazing-fast speeds to cut down on quality test time, helping developers build software faster.

For more information, please visit, https://lambdatest.com

LambdaTest press office: press@lambdatest.com

Testμ Conference 2023: LambdaTest's flagship conference leads a record-breaking journey in the world of software testing


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