Clean Motion partners with Champion Motors New Mobility to

Clean Motion has signed a letter of intent (LOI) for the distribution and sales of EVIG with Champion Motors New Mobility Ltd. in Israel. The process of developing a commercial distribution agreement has begun, and the first test vehicle is soon on its way for evaluation, registration, and marketing.

Champion Motors New Mobility Ltd, a new venture within Allied Group, that focuses on providing small electric vehicles for city transportation in Israel. The company has signed a letter of intent (LOI) with Clean Motion to distribute and sell its solar-powered vehicles in the country. A full commercial agreement is currently being developed.

Christoffer Sveder, Commercial Director at Clean Motion, commented on the partnership and the opportunity to showcase solar-charged mobility in the Israeli market. 'Champion Motors is a strong commercial partner in a market where we can truly demonstrate the benefits of our solar cells and create energy-independent mobility.'

The partnership between Clean Motion and Champion Motors New Mobility will offer a sustainable and energy-efficient transportation option in Israel. Both companies are excited about the potential of EVIG and energy-independent transportation in the growing micro-vehicle segment.

Read more about Champion Motors: (Website in Hebrew)

For more information, please contact:
Christoffer Sveder
Director Commercial Operations, Clean Motion AB
Phone: +46 70 611 26 98         

About Champion Motors New Mobility Ltd.
Champion Motors New Mobility Ltd. is a fully owned company by Allied Holdings and part of Allied Group. Champion Motors proudly and responsibly represents the brands of the Volkswagen Group in Israel: Volkswagen, Volkswagen Commercial Audi, Seat and Skoda.

About Clean Motion AB
Clean Motion AB is a Swedish company that manufactures and sells truly sustainable vehicles for cities. The vehicles are locally produced and based on energy and resource efficiency to maximize the adoption of electric vehicles globally. The company's vision is to offer urban mobility, charged with solar energy, and therefore offer light electric vehicles with low energy consumption to meet the urban transport challenges of the 2000s.

Clean Motion AB is listed on First North Growth Market on Nasdaq Stockholm. Certified Adviser is G&W fund commission, e-mail:, phone: +46 8- 503 000 50. For further information, please visit:

Clean Motion partners with Champion Motors New Mobility to


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