Ajinomoto đầu tư 25 tỷ Yên vào sản xuất vật liệu bán dẫn đến năm 2030
Drone Nerds Partners with Inspired Flight to Bring
Dania Beach, FL, March 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Drone Nerds, a comprehensive drone solutions provider and retailer, has announced a partnership with Inspired Flight, a commercial drone manufacturer known for developing USA-made drones. As a Blue sUAS certified drone manufacturer, Inspired Flight builds their drones to NDAA standards, allowing each of the drones to be used by government organizations, as well as enterprises in agriculture, inspections, and many other industries.
Drone Nerds will feature three of Inspired Flight’s major models— the IF750, the IF1200, and the IF1200A, all of which offer versatility in payloads for use in varying applications and industries.
As Inspired Flight’s heaviest-lift aircraft, the IF1200 can support various payload configurations to complete any job with maximum flight time and efficiency. It also offers a variety of available UART, PWM, USB, GPIO, and auxiliary power rails for custom payload configurations.
Its successor, the IF1200A, offers extended flight time and a seamless user experience; it is a heavy-lift commercial UAV that gives pilots a 23-43 minute flight, depending on the payload and battery reserve. The IF1200A was designed for the toughest and most demanding applications, like utility inspections, LiDAR mapping, aerial photogrammetry, emergency response, and much more.
Built for the Enterprise operator, the IF750 offers multiple integrations to best facilitate utility inspections, mapping projects, defense use cases, and many other applications. It was designed for versatility and a streamlined user experience, providing an unmatched level of operational efficiency and safety in an ultra-portable, 15 lbs. body with a universal payload interface, that supports up to 4.6 lbs. max payload weight.
“The Inspired Flight series drones are a great alternative for organizations that need to abide by USA-Made protocols or Blue sUAS regulations in their industry—because Inspired Flight offers Mavlink SDK, organizations can Integrate and deploy application-specific payloads and solutions,” states Jeremy Schneider, Drone Nerds CEO.
Organizations that are interested in learning more about Inspired Flight drone platforms can contact Drone Nerds by emailing experts@dronenerds.com.
About Drone Nerds: Drone Nerds provides comprehensive drone solutions for enterprise, private, and recreational needs. Established in 2014, Drone Nerds focuses on ensuring that its customers have the right UAV solution for their unique operational needs. With its proprietary Always Flying™ program, Drone Nerds provides reliability and assurance for enterprise implementations across industry verticals, including public safety, government, agriculture, construction, energy, inspection, and more. For more information, visit www.enterprise.dronenerds.com.

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