Huber Advanced Materials Announces Price Increase for All Product Lines

ATLANTA, Oct. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Huber Advanced Materials (HAM) business unit of Huber Engineered Materials (HEM), a business that is part of the J.M. Huber Corporation portfolio of businesses, announces a global price increase of 5% up to 15% dependent on product or as contracts allow, effective January 1, 2025. 
These price increases are necessary to recover feedstock (raw materials), packaging, fixed (labor) and (ocean) freight cost inflation. HAM continues to work diligently to minimize the impact of continued high inflation cost challenges.

As a leading supplier of halogen-free fire retardants, smoke suppressants, thermal management solutions, specialty aluminum oxides, and organic matting agents and carriers, we are committed to being a long-term sustainable partner and providing exceptional delivery and service levels to our customers.

About Huber Advanced Materials
Huber Advanced Materials (HAM) has over 40 years of experience in consistently delivering halogen-free fire retardant additives in the highest quality and purity.

With four manufacturing sites in North America and two in Europe, HAM provides a broad global portfolio of fine precipitated, direct ground, surface treated and low viscosity aluminum hydroxides (e.g., Martinal®, Hydral®, Hymod® and Micral®) and magnesium hydroxides (Magnifin®, Vertex® and Zerogen®).

With our highly efficient Kemgard® products, we offer a safe, efficient and sustainable smoke suppressant and fire retardant solution for rigid and flexible PVC applications and antimony oxide (ATO) replacement and continue to innovate with our Safire® nitrogen-phosphate technology.

HAM offers a comprehensive range of thermal management solutions with its Martinal® TM, Martoxid® TM and Magnifin® TM grades.
About J.M. Huber Corporation 
J.M. Huber Corporation, headquartered in Edison, New Jersey (US), operates a diverse portfolio of companies: Huber Engineered Materials, Huber Engineered Woods, CP Kelco and Huber Resources Corp. 
With locations around the world, our businesses create products used in a broad range of applications including agriculture, building materials, food and beverage, industrial, personal care, and sustainable forestry services.  Founded in 1883, Huber is one of the largest family-owned companies based in the US.

Please Address Questions to:
Keith Sorrell
Marketing Communications Manager
Huber Advanced Materials

Huber Advanced Materials Announces Price Increase for All Product Lines


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