GenEmbryomics Engages WallachBeth to Pursue Listing on a US National Stock Exchange

MELBOURNE, Australia, July 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GenEmbryomics, a medical genetics company with world leading intellectual property, today announced that it has retained WallachBeth Capital ('WallachBeth') as its financial advisor and investment banker to provide general financial advisory and investment banking services to the Company as it pursues a listing on a US national stock exchange.

“This is an exciting milestone for GenEmbryomics that marks the beginning of the next chapter of our corporate evolution,” said Paul Viney, Chairman of GenEmbryomics. “We are pleased to have WallachBeth as our advisor and partner in this process and look forward to working with their exceptional team to unlock potential transformative capital market opportunities that support our company's long-term growth and success.”

Nick Murphy, PhD, Founder and CEO of GenEmbryomics, added, “We are the first company in the world to offer a comprehensive whole-genome sequencing screening test for in vitro fertilization (IVF) embryos, providing a novel way to screen for genetic diseases before pregnancy. De novo mutations spontaneously occurring at fertilization account for over 4,525 genetic diseases that are routinely missed by currently used preimplantation genetic testing. GenEmbryomics testing surpasses traditional preimplantation genetic tests in its power to detect veritably every genetic aberration that would have resulted in a severe genetic disorder.”

To learn more about GenEmbryomics or its GenomeScreen testing, please visit the Company’s website at

About GenEmbryomics

GenEmbryomics is a medical and genetic testing company headquartered in Melbourne, Australia with a global footprint around the world. The Company's focus is on providing the most up-to-date genetic testing and profiling for embryos prior to implantation. Additional information can be found on the Company's website by visiting

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GenEmbryomics Engages WallachBeth to Pursue Listing on a US National Stock Exchange


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